Iulian Pop

Iulian Pop (March 12, 1880 - November 22, 1923) was an Austro-Hungarian and Romanian lawyer and politician, who became the first Romanian mayor of Cluj on January 19, 1919, one year after Transylvania became part of the Romanian state. He remained mayor until April 13, 1923, when he resigned and was succeeded on an interim basis by Aurel Moga. During his term in office, the Romanian University in Cluj, Upper Dacia was opened, methane gas began to be introduced to the city, the Capitoline Wolf Statue was unveiled, the bridge over the Someşul Mic River in Michael the Brave Square were built, and massive projects for rebuilding streets and schools were undertaken.


Born in Buduş, present-day Bistriţa-Năsăud County, he was the recipient of a PhD in Law and a practicing attorney. He had two brothers, both named Valeriu. The former died at age 12; the latter was a lawyer and politician, 1892-1958. Iulian Pop was married to Veturia Petran and had two sons, Iulian and Mircea.

See also